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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Every product in its place -- how do you organize your items?

So I have a problem, and the problem is that I love stores like The Container Store, Bed Bath & Beyond, and (in theory and not when I have to go to the actual store because that's a recipe for a meltdown) IKEA. I really like the idea of having everything organized and in its proper area and... you know that doesn't really happen for me, right?

I've found that it's a lot easier to get everything organized and ready when I'm moving somewhere and I can set up a system from scratch, and that it's much more difficult to bring something in when I'm already "settled in". So that's the problem that I'm facing now: trying to reorganize what I've got now, but knowing that I'm going to have to do something about it when I move (fingers crossed) this summer.

I've currently got my bathroom products (cleanser, scrub, etc.) in a pink basket under the sink -- it does need to be cleared out of products I no longer use, but that's where they live. As for my cosmetics, most of them live in a plastic 3-drawer unit much like this one, with eye make-up on top, lipstick and glosses in the middle, and everything else (blush, bronzer, concealer, palettes, etc.) in the bottom drawer. Of course, there are exceptions, such as the mascara I'm testing, the huge array of nail polish that lives on top of my scanner (which prevents me from scanning things), and the lip glosses that never make it out of my purse.

I have heard tell of those who have specific rooms or closets for their products, and back when I was a lurker in the Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab forums, there were posters who had cosmetics-and-perfumes-only refrigerators, too. While I certainly haven't gotten to that point (and, hopefully, won't -- I already feel guilty enough about all of the products I already have and don't use), it's another interesting take on it. (And I will say that I am keeping that in mind when I'm thinking about moving. Not a whole closet or room, mind you, but definitely "if I live here, where will I put things?".)

How do you organize your beauty supplies? Do you have a specific method for keeping your things together, or are you in need of some help, like I am? And, while we're at it, how about your closets and dressers? (I'm in the market for a new dresser, too...) I'm not going to hire someone to help me out (but it's awfully tempting; look at that lovely closet!), but I'd definitely love to hear what works for other people. Meanwhile, I'll be poking at Apartment Therapy and seeing what I can find there. (Here's some links from AT on bedroom closets and under-the-sink organization. I love AT, but I just don't know if I could actually maintain that sort of lifestyle... guess I ought to try?)

image from containerstore.com


queengilda said...

oh no. i can't organize. my room is an earthquake. it's terrible and i'm trying my best. :(

Jeanne said...

Hi Gilda!

Me too -- it's a total disaster zone. I'm hoping for a clean start, but it's not going to be pretty. Good luck!!

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